var Manager = {}; (function($) { $(function() { function getClasses() { var params = [ 'q=*:*', 'facet=true', 'indent=true', 'facet.field=class','wt=json', 'rows=0', '' ]; jQuery.ajax({ url:Manager.solrUrl+'select?' + params.join('&') + '&json.wrf=?', dataType:"jsonp", data:{"jsonp":"json.wrf"}, success:function(response){ var classes = response.facet_counts.facet_fields['class']; // store available classes in the manager var orderableClasses = []; for (clazz in classes) { orderableClasses.push([clazz.toString()]); } orderableClasses.sort(); // TODO: pass it as configuration !!! // !!! hardcoded ordder orderableClasses = ["Compound","Assay","Activity", "Target","Gene"]; Manager.classes = {}; for(var i=0;i(2) Click to focus on another class'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''; $("#sindice-pivot-browser").append('
'); $("#sindice-pivot-browser").append(tooltips); for ( var clazz in Manager.classes) { // expose class filter parameters in URL for persistence; // add the tab header for this class // var focus_link = $('').text(clazz); // $('#tabs > ul').append($('
  • ').append(focus_link)); // add a new div containing facets and result for a class var template = '
    '+ ''+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '


    '+ '
    '+ 'ChEMBL is a database of bio-active small molecules produced and curated by EMBL-EBI('+ 'It contains information on chemical properties (e.g. molecular weight, logP, pKa, etc.)'+ 'and referenced bioactivities (e.g. binding constants, ADMET data, and pharmacology).'+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '
    '+ '

    Current Selection

    '+ '
      '+ '
      '+ '
      '+ '
      '+ '
      '+ '
      '+ '
      '+ ''+ '
      '+ ''+ '
      '+ '
      '+ '
      '+ '
      '; var tab_content = $(template).attr('id', clazz); // below was commented out - needed if we want to fire // pager currensearch and result widget multiple times for each tab // for the results this might be actually needed // once I figure out how to fire different requests for different focus // so when user just switching tab the results would be already there tab_content.find('.docs').attr('id', clazz + '_docs'); tab_content.find('.pager:eq(0)').attr('id', clazz + '_pager1'); tab_content.find('.pager:eq(1)').attr('id', clazz + '_pager2'); tab_content.find('.selection').attr('id', clazz + '_selection'); tab_content.find('.pager_header').attr('id', clazz + '_pager_header'); tab_content.find('.facets').attr('id', clazz + '_facets'); tab_content.appendTo('#tabs'); // initialize the result widget Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.ResultWidget({ id : clazz, target : '#' + clazz + '_docs' // html target id for positioning })); // add paging capabilities to results Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.PagerWidget({ id : clazz + '_pager1', target : '#' + clazz + '_pager1', prevLabel : '<', nextLabel : '>', innerWindow : 3, renderHeader : function(perPage, offset, total) { $( + '_header').html( $('').text( 'displaying ' + Math.min(total, offset + 1) + ' to ' + Math.min(total, offset + perPage) + ' of ' + total)); } })); Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.PagerWidget({ id : clazz + '_pager2', target : '#' + clazz + '_pager2', prevLabel : '<', nextLabel : '>', innerWindow : 3, renderHeader : function(perPage, offset, total) { $( + '_header').html( $('').text( 'displaying ' + Math.min(total, offset + 1) + ' to ' + Math.min(total, offset + perPage) + ' of ' + total)); } })); Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.CurrentSearchWidget({ id : clazz + '_currentsearch', target : '#' + clazz + '_selection' })); if(Manager.classes[clazz]){ var fields = Manager.classes[clazz]; for ( var i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i++) { // create facet widget containers $('#' + clazz + '_facets').append( $('

      ').text(fields[i]).after( $('
      ').attr("id", clazz + '_' + fields[i]))); var facet_id = clazz + '_' + fields[i]; // create facet widgets Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.FacetWidget({ id : facet_id, target : '#' + facet_id, field : fields[i], facet_focus : clazz, 'facet.limit' : 11 })); } } } // below few widgets which are the same on each tab // they used classes from template /* Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.ResultWidget({ id : "documents", target : '.docs' // html target id for positioning })); Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.PagerWidget({ id : 'pager', target : '.pager', prevLabel : '<', nextLabel : '>', innerWindow : 3, renderHeader : function(perPage, offset, total) { $( + '_header').html( $('').text( 'displaying ' + Math.min(total, offset + 1) + ' to ' + Math.min(total, offset + perPage) + ' of ' + total)); } })); Manager.addWidget(new AjaxSolr.CurrentSearchWidget({ id :'currentsearch', target : '.selection' })); */ Manager.init(); var params = { 'qt' : 'siren-facet', facet : true, 'facet.limit' : 10, 'facet.mincount' : 1, // 'f.topics.facet.limit': 50, '' : 'map', 'indent' : true, }; for ( var name in params) {, params[name]); } // set focus from url "ff" param or first one if no ff param in url var focused = Object.keys(Manager.classes)[0]; if(document.location.hash){ var a = document.location.hash.split("="); if(a.length==2){ focused = a[1]; } } Manager.setFocus(Manager.classes,focused); // also switch tab if needed (if it is not the first tab) $("#tabs").tabs('select',focused); } }); $.fn.showIf = function(condition) { if (condition) { return; } else { return this.hide(); } }; })(jQuery); // below code for showing tooltips var tooltips =[]; var showTooltips = false; function destroyTooltips(){ jQuery(".help-content").hide(); for(var i=0;iHelp'+ '

    • '; if(jQuery("#tabs ul.ui-tabs-nav").size()==0){ jQuery("#tabs ul.ui-tabs-nav").append(html); jQuery(".help-button").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if(jQuery(this).hasClass("active")){ jQuery(this).removeClass('active'); destroyTooltips(); showTooltips = false; }else{ jQuery(this).addClass('active'); showTooltips = true; destroyTooltips(); displayTooltips(); } }); } if(callback){ callback(); } } function displayTooltips(){ showTooltips = true; //make sure that help button is active jQuery("#tabs ul.ui-tabs-nav").addClass("active"); jQuery("#tabs ul.ui-tabs-nav span").text("Turn off Help").css({color:"red"}); jQuery(".help-content").show(); var $t1 = jQuery("#tabs ul li.ui-state-active"); if($t1.size()>0){ $t1.tipsy({ title:function(){ return jQuery("#t1-tooltip-focused-class").text(); }, trigger: 'manual', gravity: 's', fade: true, opacity:1 }); $t1.tipsy('show'); tooltips.push($t1); } var $t2 = jQuery("#tabs ul"); if($t2.size()>0){ $t2.tipsy({ title:function(){ return jQuery("#t2-tooltip-tabs").text(); }, trigger: 'manual', gravity: 'n', fade: true, opacity:1 }); $t2.tipsy('show'); tooltips.push($t2); } var $t3 = jQuery("#tabs div:visible div.left div.facets div:eq(0)"); if($t3.size()>0){ $t3.tipsy({ title:function(){ return jQuery("#t3-tooltip-facets").text(); }, trigger: 'manual', gravity: 'n', fade: true, opacity:1 }); $t3.tipsy('show'); $t3.addClass("bordered"); tooltips.push($t3); } var $t4 = jQuery("#tabs div:visible div.right div.result div.navigation:eq(0)"); if($t4.size()>0){ $t4.tipsy({ title:function(){ return jQuery("#t4-tooltip-navigation").text(); }, trigger: 'manual', gravity: 's', fade: true, opacity:1 }); $t4.tipsy('show'); $t4.addClass("bordered"); tooltips.push($t4); } var $t5 = jQuery("#tabs div:visible div.right div:first-child"); if($t5.size()>0){ $t5.tipsy({ title:function(){ return jQuery("#t5-tooltip-single-result").text(); }, trigger: 'manual', gravity: 'n', fade: true, opacity:1 }); $t5.tipsy('show'); $t5.addClass("bordered"); tooltips.push($t5); } var $t6 = jQuery("#tabs div:visible > div.left > div.x"); if($t6.size()>0){ $t6.tipsy({ title:function(){ return jQuery("#t6-tooltip-current-selection").text(); }, trigger: 'manual', gravity: 'n', fade: true, opacity:1 }); $t6.tipsy('show'); $t6.addClass("bordered"); tooltips.push($t6); } } jQuery(document).ready(function(){ showHelpButton(function(){ setTimeout(displayTooltips,500); }); // this listener is fired before anything else // see: // document.addEventListener('click', function(e) { if(showTooltips==true){ showTooltips = false; destroyTooltips(); destroyHelpButton(); setTimeout(function(){ showHelpButton(); },500); } }, true); var waitForFinalEvent = (function () { var timers = {}; return function (callback, ms, uniqueId) { if (!uniqueId) { uniqueId = "Don't call this twice without a uniqueId"; } if (timers[uniqueId]) { clearTimeout (timers[uniqueId]); } timers[uniqueId] = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })(); jQuery(window).resize(function () { waitForFinalEvent(function(){ if(showTooltips==true){ destroyTooltips(); displayTooltips(); } }, 500, "some unique string"); }); jQuery(".left-help-content h2").live('click',function(e){ if(jQuery(this).hasClass("collapse")){ // collapse // do it this way DO NOT USE $(this) as the box has to be flipped on all tabs closeLeftHelpBox(); }else{ showLeftHelpBox(); } }); });